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ADvanced Asset MANagemenT
A Decision Support System for technical management of Aircraft and Aircraft Major SubAssemblies & a Management System of the Aircraft Delivery/Redelivery process for Aircraft Leasing Companies
Our ADAMANT Software solution provides the means to support your top level decision making and allows you to have enormous advantages and savings via optimisation of the Asset management thr:ough the entire life cycle.
Lease period optimisation.
Lease rates optimisation
Better prediction of maintenance reserves availability.
Better utilization of maintenance reserves.
Maintenance reserves optimisation
The use of ADAMANT throughout the handback/redelivery process ensures efficient project management by:
Standardisation of communication between the lessor, the client, and the field representatives of both parties.
Seamless dissemination of information from one project to another.
Standardisation of technical records management and archiving
Reduction to the total man-days of the project
Visibility and better planning of each project phase
ADAMANT Key features:
WEB based / web accessible.
VersatilityHigh level of security and encryption.
Connectivity to legacy systems (provided the legacy systems allow this), taking data from:
Asset utilization.
Asset documentation.
Document depository
Maintenance reserves accounts.
Contracts accounts.
Spare Parts tracking
Expenditures tracking
Statistical reporting on the process to measure performance and improve from delivery to delivery
Minimum Data input – the ADAMANT working concept is not to increase the workload but to decrease the management effort.
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